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Class Registration « Expect the Exceptional

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Class Registration

I can’t breathe because I just completed my last ever class registration here at McDaniel. It seems surreal that the groundwork for my last semester of undergraduate is already done. Registration comes right on the heels of our 200 Days Until Graduation, a countdown we were reminded of Tuesday by the alumni office.

My spring semester is not a surprise by any means. I’ve known what I’ve had to take since spring of my junior year. However, registration will always be remembered as some of the most stressful evenings of my life, waiting and hoping to get the classes and the perfect schedule that you planned out.

With a major and two minors, I easily met my credit requirements. The only classes I have left to take are another upper level communication class, my senior seminar for my Communication major, and a multicultural class for the McDaniel plan. I’m taking Native American Art with one of my roommates to fulfill that requirement, which should be interesting because I’ve yet to take an art class here.

I am looking forward to my small, 12 credit schedule, complete with no Friday classes. I think that I worked hard in order to have an easier senior semester and I plan on enjoying my last few months here. However, I should also have lots of time to work on my senior seminar as well as apply to big girl jobs for after graduation.

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