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Jan Term Trip to Italy « Expect the Exceptional

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Jan Term Trip to Italy

Tonight I have a meeting for the Jan Term I will be taking during the weeks between fall and spring semesters. I will be taking a photography in northern Italy trip and I am beyond excited!

We will be visiting Florence, Siena, Assisi, Rome, Venice, and Milan, among other cities. This will be my first time traveling out of the country, with the exception of Canada. And definitely my longest plane ride to date.

Jan Terms on campus make it really easy to study abroad because the trips are discounted for students and the price is all inclusive. On my trip we even have a 24/7 tour guide.

The trip will be with a group of 30 students and adults, both from McDaniel and local schools. Among those going are my two roommates, Laura and Nicole, Nicole’s twin sister, and her best friend. Laura’s sorority sister will also be on the trip.

I haven’t been wanting to wish fall semester away by counting down for Italy, but I can’t help but get really excited when I think about it. I’m already putting in extra time at the gym in preparation for all the pasta, pizza, wine, and dessert that I will be consuming.


I can’t wait!


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