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Senior Projects « Expect the Exceptional

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Senior Projects

For every major there is a huge project done before completing the requirements. In my high school we had senior projects, meaning to go away and study something of our choice, here we have senior seminars and classes that make people complete certain requirements before graduating. This week I have been working on mine, and I will continue next semester. As a Sociology major I have statistics to analyze and a paper to write. Following this I will have a poster presentation.

My favorite projects are those that relate to campus, which is why I like Sociology’s poster presentations. We do research about the student body and then present it back too them. Since they are set up right in the path of everyone going to class they all are able to stop by and see what work we have done.

This week theater has a project of their own. This is something called student directed plays. The students cast other students in roles, for one scene, work with students for stage management and set and lights, and produce their own show. Granted it is only one scene, no one has time for an entire play, but this is another awesome project to do before graduating. These are the kinds of valuable experiences McDaniel makes sure students get before graduating.

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