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Gamma Sig District 4 Service Day « Expect the Exceptional

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Gamma Sig District 4 Service Day

I must have been crazy when I said I would be the chair of this event. I had no idea how much work was really involved with putting on an event that included chapters from all over the district and 5 service projects all happening at once. The Service Day this past Saturday went better than I could have imagined. We had 5 projects going on all at the same time to support Gamma Sig’s 5 national service partners and we had chapters from Delaware and North Carolina come to help us out. The weather was gorgeous and so many of the members of McDaniel’s chapter came out to support the event whether it was just by dropping by for a few minutes, volunteering or participating.

We had the visiting chapters bring two of the five projects. One brought bandanna decorating. We decorated bandannas to donate to the people of American Cancer Society in hopes of brightening some people’s day. The other chapter brought Prize Balloons. You bought a balloon for a dollar and then popped it to see if you had a prize inside. I unfortunately did not receive a prize. Our chapter was in charge of the rest. We put together a lemonade stand and the proceeds will be combined with the Penny Wars to go to Alex’s Lemonade Stand to help with childhood cancer, a raffle for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. We went around town to mothers that own businesses and collected donations to the raffle. Our main event, however, was the life-size Monopoly game that we opened up to the campus. All together the event raised over $400 for our service partners!

I am so grateful to the wonderful group of people I had working with me on the event. I never could have done it without them. They are all hard workers and devoted to serving others which is exactly what Gamma Sig is all about. I’ve already heard of people wanting to make the event an annual thing and I will help them in any way I possibly can. The level of importance the students at McDaniel put on community service makes me smile every time I think about it. It’s one of the things I love best about being a student leader on campus.

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