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An Evening of Belly Dancing « Expect the Exceptional

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An Evening of Belly Dancing

With so much work on my plate right now, I almost didn’t go to tonight’s “Dances for Dogs” belly dancing performance, but I’m glad I did! I truly enjoyed watching tonight’s performances and learning just how talented McDaniel women are! (I also wish I had brought my camera!)

Tonight’s performance was put on to benefit Canine Companions for Independence, better known around campus as the Puppy Club. Part of the proceeds are also going toward Hurricane Sandy relief.

The show featured both group and individual performances by members past and present of McDaniel’s Belly Dancing Club. Some of the solo performances were even improvised, which I thought was super neat! In between performances, the audience got to learn some neat facts about belly dancing from the emcee. There was even a participatory element to the show: audience members were told to “yip” at any point during the performances to show their satisfaction, a belly dancing custom. People were also invited onto the stage after the show to learn some belly dancing moves from the dancers.

Tonight’s dances were outstanding. I’m curious to see what a typical meeting of Belly Dancing Club is like, and when I’m not so busy next semester, I might go to see what I can learn!

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