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An Intercultural Guest Speaker « Expect the Exceptional

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An Intercultural Guest Speaker

I am taking a Communication course this semester called Intercultural Communication. In this class, we have discussed everything from worldviews, paradigms, and identity, to culture shock and third cultures. To supplement our readings and class discussions we also have film viewings on different documentaries or movies that show culture consciousness (My Big Fat Greek wedding was one of the more fun selections.)

As we prepare for our own cultural case study on someone from a different background, my professor brought in a guest speaker for us to talk to and ask questions. Dr. Qin Feng is a professor here at McDaniel and is originally from China. It was fascinating to hear all about her experiences and first impressions here in the States, as well as things that still confuse her about our culture.

At a smaller school, like McDaniel, guest speakers have even more power because of the opportunities for discussions and questions. Generally, speakers will be in very intimate settings, like how mine was in my classroom. There is no doubt that you will have your question answered and have the chance to talk to speaker after the lecture as well. I learned a lot from Dr. Feng and am excited to work on my own case study.

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