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Time to Unwind « Expect the Exceptional

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Time to Unwind

So, it has been a really long week for myself and most of my friends. We have papers and presentations and so many other things we have been working on all week. In my case, that work load included 3 major papers, planning for a presentation, and more. However, even though the week was long it was still a good week. A lot of us also were helping out with the anime club auction. The event ran from Wednesday to Friday and from 10am to 8pm each day. It was a lot of work for our club members, especially on top of everything else, but it was also a really big success. We raised a lot of money for our future events and also got a few people interested in the club – it was great.

However, we finally hit the end of the week and everyone was rather burnt out, so we decided today was an unwind day. A bunch of us got together in the common room of Blanche in the middle of the afternoon and just played video games, talked about MTG, helped each other work on decks, watched a movie, and more. It was a lot of fun and it definitely helped all of us unwind. We only have 2 more days of classes before we go home for Thanksgiving, but even so we all needed that 5 or so hours of just chilling with friends before returning to our homework and other responsibilities. We also met a few new people as several of our friends brought a few friends of their own. It was definitely an interesting mix of people and there were some people I would definitely like to get to know better as time goes on.

Now the night has started to wind down and most of us have parted ways for the evening, Phil and I abandoned the common room for a little homework time in my apartment in North Village. Then we intend to play Guild Wars until Lisa gets back to campus and watch movies all night. While the day itself may be ending soon, it has definitely been a good one and its days like today that make the little stresses in life stop mattering for a while.

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