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Thanksgiving Break « Expect the Exceptional

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Thanksgiving Break

I hope every had a great Thanksgiving yesterday!

I’ve only ever traveled home once in these past four years for Thanksgiving, and after the expensive flights and too short trip, I realized it wasn’t really worth it when the semester ends just two weeks after break. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely miss my family and if there were any time of year when I wished I lived closer to school, it would be this one.

However, I always find a million and one things to do during the break and it always goes by so fast. On both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings I went out with my roommate Stacey from Hanover and her friends. It’s convenient that she only lives 25 minutes away because it means I’m never really alone. She also invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her family but I have never liked intruding on such a family-based holiday.

Instead, I got to relax. I spent the day watching football, reading a book, and lounging in bed. I got to FaceTime my family as well, which is my new favorite Thanksgiving tradition. I especially liked seeing my grandparents and my cat!

I spent today (Friday) tackling my massive to-do list and actually accomplishing a good amount of it. I have a variety of things to do, not only for the end of the semester, but also for the Free Press. It’s nice working without distractions like classes, meetings, or roommates.

I like having a break to myself because I am completely free to do what makes me happy for a couple days, which is definitely rare in my life. While my friends and family used to worry about me during these five days, now they understand that is just me recharging and getting ready for the end of the semester.

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