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Thanksgiving Break « Expect the Exceptional

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Thanksgiving Break

So, Thanksgiving Break is coming to an end and I will return to campus early tomorrow. I had a really good break and it was great coming home to see my family again. During break, I had a lot of fun with my friends and family. On Thanksgiving, I had a wonderful dinner with my grandmother, my mother, and my step dad and it was wonderful to catch up with them and hear about what was going on in everyone’s lives. Plus, I got to talk to my sister, who is teaching in Korea, which is always a treat since with her so far away it can be hard to stay in touch.

On Friday, we planned to go Black Friday shopping but my mother decided she was too tired, so I did not have to go either. Instead, I did a lot of my Christmas shopping with a bunch of different online deals and got gifts for quite a few of my friends ordered and ready to go. I still have a few people to shop for, but the rest of the gifts should arrive in the next few days and I can’t wait for my friends gift exchange that we do every year. It may seem like a small tradition, but it is a good chance to relax before finals and heading home for winter break.

Today, it was time for homework. I got a lot done though and still had time to work on some stuff outside and go bowling with my brother, Chris, and a few other friends. The bowling was a lot of fun and we went to a bowling alley I had not been to before. I didn’t win any of the games, but I did pretty well considering I have only ever been bowling a few times, and I didn’t lose any round either so it was all good. I am definitely glad to be going back to school tomorrow though, I missed my friends – I always do – and it will be good to get back into my normal routine.

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