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Election Night for Gamma Sig! « Expect the Exceptional

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Election Night for Gamma Sig!

Last night my sorority had Executive Board elections. A very terrifying experience if you have never been in a situation like that before. Sitting in the crowd waiting for your position to be up for voting makes your heart pound. Last Fall semester, I was up for National Rep which is of course the last position that people vote on. So I was stuck sitting there waiting to see what happened while everyone else got their positions. This year, I was up for President…the first position elected. The vote was not in my favor but I am a strong believer of the saying, “Everything happens for a reason.” I knew the competition was tough and I had prepared myself for whatever way the vote went. I am very happy for my sister who ended up winning, I think she will do a great job and I’m excited to see what the new Executive Board does next semester. Once that position had been voted on, the pressure was off and I was able to enjoy the company of all my sisters and brothers while many others sat nervously waiting.

I was very happy that I had nothing to worry about after the first vote because my Little was up for my position, so she was freaking out the entire time. I was so glad I was able to help her calm down. She of course was voted in to be National Rep. I think I was more nervous for her than I was for myself. She totally deserves this position and I can’t wait to help her get started with everything. The position of National Rep has kind of become a family tradition. I took it over from my Big and now my Little is taking over after me. It’s a cute Hallmark-esque story. Sunday’s meeting will be awesome seeing the new and old Executive Board members working together to create a smooth transition of power. I can’t wait to see what the Executive Board has in store for the chapter. I have no doubt they will do a wonderful job.

Even though the meeting was extremely long, it was nice to be able to spend that time with the members of the organization. I always forget how much I love it when all of us are in the same room together. There is never a dull moment. I got a little teary eyed when giving my final report in the meeting but I know that my Little will do an amazing job and it will be nice to have my Sunday nights back. All of the change happening now is only preparing me for the drastic change I’ll be making next Fall when I travel south to work in the happiest place on Earth!

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