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Tip From a Tour Guide: Here’s a Tip from Matt Love! « Expect the Exceptional

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Tip From a Tour Guide: Here’s a Tip from Matt Love!

Tips from a Tour Guide

This week, instead of hearing a tip from me, I figured it might be helpful to hear from another tour guide.  Periodically, I’ll introduce you to another tour guide so that they can give you your prospective on McDaniel as well!

Here’s a Tip from Matt Love!

Year: Junior

Hometown: Denton, Maryland

Major/Minor: Biochemistry major, Spanish minor

How long have you been a Tour Guide?: Since my sophomore year.

What is your favorite thing about being a Tour Guide?: I like getting to interact with all of the families.

What else are you involved in on campus?: I am in a social fraternity, part of the Relay for Life Committee, a Peer Mentor, and on the Honor and Conduct Board.

What’s your favorite building to talk about and why?: Hoover Library because I really like talking about the football field and the tailgating experiences, since it is one of my favorite memories on campus and I really like to share it.

Where’s your favorite place to study on campus?: I like studying at my desk in my room, since it’s a controlled space.  I can make sure everything is tidy and it’s quiet enough.

What is your favorite resource on campus?:  I like the Center for Experience and Opportunity.  Their workshops on resume writing and cover letters have given me more confidence in the ability to market myself.

What is your tip for someone coming on a tour of McDaniel?: Make sure to ask the tour guide about their life.  Don’t just ask about the general information in the school.  You can find any facts about the school online, but you can’t get the personal touch if you don’t ask your tour guide for information.

Anything else you’d like to add?: Don’t be afraid of the Admissions process. It’s a lot more relaxed than you think it is and everyone is there to help you, not judge you.

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