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2012 November « Expect the Exceptional

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Presentation Jitters

So, this is the time of the semester when all of your classes are wrapping up there material and many of them will be having student presentations. I have presentations in four of my classes and I know I personally don’t always like talking in front of a group of people. However, I have learned […]

Still Full from Thursday…

When I see my mom’s side of the family for Thanksgiving I always need a late night snack, but when I see my dad’s its a whole different story. My mom and I arrived in upstate NY mid-morning on Thanksgiving. I was excited because the traffic had not stopped me from missing too much of […]

Thanksgiving Dinner

So naturally I went home for Thanksgiving. Some of my international friends went home to host families, a few stayed on campus, and most people I know went home. Many friends go home to relatives if they live far away. My friend from California actually flew home, though!

Anyway, going home for break is always […]

Thanksgiving Festivities!

Just like most people I know, I was very excited to go home for Thanksgiving Break. I was excited for the food, seeing my family and friends, spending time with my puppy, and of course-shopping! However, since I work in retail, I get to see shopping from both sides…being the shopper and being the employee […]

The Day After

Big News: My acceptance letter for my study abroad came today! I’M GOING TO BELGIUM!!

But this post is about what I did on Black Friday. Quickly, for anyone thinking about visiting Boston: 1. Go to Harvard Square and take in all the smart people. 2. Go to a Red Sox game; Bruins and Celtics […]