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2012 November « Expect the Exceptional

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I Am Thankful: McDaniel Edition

Over the past few years, I’ve come to realize that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. I love the combination of lots of great food and lots of great family, and it’s a really warm, cozy, and fun holiday. I’ve also taken time over the last few years to reflect in writing about […]

Home Alone In Boston Is Not So Alone After All

Of course we all look forward to Thanksgiving Break here on the Hill. Though we love our campus and friends dearly, we also love a few days without class and a fantastic home-cooked meal. I chose to spend the break with my friend Barnabas in Boston. I saw it as a chance to meet some […]


T-Day is awesome. First there’s food, then there’s football, then there’s still two more days before I have to do any homework. Thanksgiving is like a mini-Christmas, and Christmas is hands down the best holiday (just look at the music it inspires! Unmatched!). Thanksgiving is the rare time when everything is looking up: the semester […]


Yesterday I began my season of travel with easily the worst part: driving. Driving a lot. Driving in a small car. Driving at night. Driving in a car that was made in 1992. Driving through New York City.

Fortunately, I had my friend, Robby and my sister, Polly, and a bunch of snacks, songs, and […]

A Trip to see the Eagles play the Redskins

One of the great things about McDaniel is that there are so many fantastic places to go, without having to go far. McDaniel is very close to places like Baltimore, Towson, and Gettysburg, but last weekend, I took advantage of the fact that McDaniel is so close to Washington DC. My friend invited me to […]