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2012 November « Expect the Exceptional

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Going North Instead of West

Everyone is talking about going home for Thanksgiving. This year, I’m not going home. I’m going relative hopping. While I’m excited to see both sides of my family, it is upsetting that I won’t be going home until the end of the semester. Not only does that mean I have to actually do laundry, but […]

Closing for Break

One of the most exciting times for a college student are breaks. It is always wonderful to have time off from school to go home and visit friends and family. Usually during this time I check out lots of books from the library to read (for fun, finally!) and plan to do all of the […]

To Be a Part of Something Big!

This past Friday I was initiated into the fraternity I have been pledging for most of this past semester, Alpha Sigma Phi. As anyone might indicate, becoming a part of a fraternity is no easy undertaking and consumes a good portion of your time. This is true. Finding a balance between my various responsibilities […]

Student-Directed Play Festival

When my friend asked me if I’d like to see the final showing of our Student-Directed Play Festival, I happily agreed. The event was free and held in the under stage of our theater. Senior Yichong “Angel” Li chose “Between the Lines,” a play which deals with the themes of memory, race relations, and gender […]

Memorial 5K Run

On Saturday, I went and helped out at the Flying Feet Burk Memorial 5K Run for my sorority, Gamma Sigma Sigma. The run was about five minutes away from campus at a place called the Wakefield Valley Community Trail, and it was a running club that put the whole thing together. I went with three […]