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2012 November « Expect the Exceptional

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The few days before Thanksgiving break can be draining. While the term papers and tests increase, we yearn for home, family, and turkey. For the past few days, I’ve dragged my feet on the way to every class and had a hard time staying focused, even though it’s such a vital part of the semester.


Keeping the Fun Alive

Things tend to get hectic in the days leading up to Thanksgiving through the rest of the semester. In fact, you could say that Thanksgiving is like the eye of a storm–a calm in the middle surrounded by chaos.

Despite the fact that the end of the semester is typically a stressful time (as I’m […]

Scavenger Hunts and Crêpes: the perfect French Party

Last night was one of our first meetings of Le Cercle Française- essentially, the French Club! That may sound really boring to you, until you realize that we just had pretty much the best first meeting you could ask for, in the form of a party!

Everybody convened at the French House, one of the […]

Jazz Dance

Earlier this month, I started my gym class for this cycle, Jazz Dance. It was a last minute add-on to my schedule, just for fun, but I was still very nervous walking into class on the first day. I had heard from a lot of people that it was bound to be a fun class, […]

Senior Projects

For every major there is a huge project done before completing the requirements. In my high school we had senior projects, meaning to go away and study something of our choice, here we have senior seminars and classes that make people complete certain requirements before graduating. This week I have been working on mine, and […]