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Only Two Weeks Left! « Expect the Exceptional

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Only Two Weeks Left!

This semester has been crazy. But I guess you could say that about pretty much every semester after freshman year in my case… The fact that we only have two weeks of school left before winter break is both really exciting, and intimidating. Exciting for the obvious fact that I can not WAIT to be done with end of the year exams, compositions and evaluations. Terrifying and intimidating because that is such a small amount of time to get everything done that I need to. Plus, there that’s added factor of being a senior, which means that this is my final fall semester at McDaniel-ever. Eek.

Luckily I have some great friends reminding me to take breaks- whether by going into Baltimore on a Friday night, or having a Harry-Potter themed party (See Clara’s post!). It’s nice to be able to take a break, as long as you don’t take too many! Let’s see whether or not I actually follow that advice…

In other fun news, today was a baking day with members of Advocacy Team! I’ve mentioned my club before- we do events on human justice issues like hunger, poverty, AIDS and malaria. Next Monday through Wednesday we’re holding a bake sale to continue raising money to fund the entrepreneur we’re sponsoring in Cambodia- a woman named Rath. The micro loan is $350, and will let her hire more laborers for her farm and purchase fertilizers and pesticides to increase her income and thus raise her standard of living and allow her to send her children to school! So far, we have $275, so we’re really close- only $75 left!

So, after fundraising through an open-mic night, film screenings, and an improv show, our next go is a bake sale! Today four of us got together in my kitchen and made a bunch of delicious goodies to sell: peanut-butter chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodles, brownies and butterscotch chews. They smell so good that if other people don’t buy them, we may have to! Here’s to next week. As long as I can survive the workload of the weekend, the bake sale will be a fun event that our club can do together for a good cause. If you want some tasty desserts, come visit us outside the dinning hall Monday through Wednesday around lunch time!

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