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Tip From a Tour Guide: Here’s a Tip from Lisa Vasapollo! « Expect the Exceptional

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Tip From a Tour Guide: Here’s a Tip from Lisa Vasapollo!

Tips from a Tour Guide

This week, instead of hearing a tip from me, I figured it might be helpful to hear from another tour guide.  Periodically, I’ll introduce you to another tour guide so that they can give you your prospective on McDaniel as well!

Here’s a Tip from Lisa Vasapollo!

Year: Senior

Hometown: Westville NJ

Major/Minor: Communication/Journalism & Writing

How long have you been a Tour Guide?: Since Fall Semester Sophomore year

What is your favorite thing about being a Tour Guide?: Getting to meet perspective students and share my own experience of being a student at McDaniel. I like knowing that I am helping them in the process of choosing a college.

What else are you involved in on campus?: Alpha Phi Omega: National Service Fraternity; Green Terror Productions (Campus programming board); McDaniel Free Press; Office of Student Engagement Student Worker; Peer Mentor; Peer Mentor Advisory Board Member; And some random other odds and ends I tend to find.

What’s your favorite building to talk about and why?: Hill Hall is my favorite building to talk about. Not only because I spend a lot of time there, but also because their is so many different departments and resources in that building. I also think it is one of the prettiest buildings on the campus.

Where’s your favorite place to study on campus?: The majority of my studying is done in my room or library. But honestly, anywhere I can find comfortable at the time. Sometimes I’ll be in Ensor lounge and others I’ll be tucked away in the library. It depends on what I am working on.

What is your favorite resource on campus?: The Writing Center. Even though I am a writing minor, it still helps me to better organize my thoughts and put an academic paper together better than I would be able to do without some sort of help.

What is your tip for someone coming on a tour of McDaniel?: Be prepared to walk up and down stairs! Wear comfortable shoes! And please ask us questions about anything! We love having out brains picked and answering questions. We don’t like when our tours are quiet and we have to hear ourselves talk the whole time.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen!  Another tip from another tour guide!

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