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Am I Ready? « Expect the Exceptional

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Am I Ready?

This may be one of the most stressful weeks of the semester for every college student. Freshman have their first Finals Week fast approaching, Sophomores and Juniors are writing term papers and gathering study materials for their own finals and many Seniors are wrapping up their Senior Capstone projects. To put it simply, everyone is stressed. Luckily strength in numbers comes into effect and having a group of people stressing together, is almost a calming sensation. Study groups are formed for every class and there is almost a dead silence on every floor of the library so people can study to their best potential. Professors are even stressed. Once the student’s stresses have cleared, the professors have the glory of grading everything. Being in the English Department office is always interesting this time of year. The coffee makes even looks worn down by the end of the semester. Walking into buildings and seeing professors in their offices at 8 or 9 at night only shows their true dedication to the students. The best is when they are just as sleep deprived as we are from all the papers.

It’s weeks like this that we all support each other the most. Currently, we are all looking forward to Late Night Breakfast happening next Monday in Glar. During which, Glar opens from 9-11pm for one night during Finals and has all sorts of breakfast food. It’s completely free to the students and sometimes, professors will offer to help out and be the ones serving the food. It’s great to know that you aren’t the only one craving pancakes at 10 o’clock at night. Keeping our sanity is something we all strive to do in these last few weeks of the semester. Thanks to my 6 week Winter Break this year, I’ll be very well rested for the Spring semester. As much as I loved my classes this semester, I will be doing a little happy dance after my last final on Thursday afternoon before I bolt home to hang out with my best friend. Studying now will be cause for celebration when it’s all over.

Looking ahead to next semester is both intimidating and exciting. I’ve worked my schedule so I have some interesting classes, even if they aren’t in my field of study. However, the fact that i am taking a science class is very nerve racking because it is not one of my strong suits and I have no friends (that I know of) that are taking the class with me. Maybe it will surprise me. Maybe I will absolutely love it and look forward to going to class every day. It will be interesting to see how everything turns out. I do know though that all the Christmas money I get will be going towards books. When I added 5 classes to my schedule, I wasn’t thinking about the number of books I would have to buy. These better be some great classes. I have a feeling next semester, while challenging, will be one of the best. Now I have officially taken a long study break than I had planned so I am off to the library once again! See you at the end of the tunnel.

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