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A Gig and a Festive Evening « Expect the Exceptional

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A Gig and a Festive Evening

Today is the last Sunday of my fall undergraduate career. It’s been pretty fun. After going to a local church with a group of friends and being serenaded with Christmas songs, I got to practice violin for an hour (which is exciting in my case because I actually feel like I’m getting pretty good), grab some lunch and then head off to my Gospel Choir concert! This year was a change in our normal concert routine- we were in the theater instead of Big Baker Chapel, but it was actually for a good reason: better acoustics. Off we went, by ones and two to the theater- easily identifiable on campus due to the long green and gold robes we were carrying to wear.

Warming up started late as usual, but finally we were on our way, laughing, clapping and singing- and of course, gradually getting a bit nervous. I’m also in a group called VOP (Voices of Praise), which is kind of like the Madrigals of Gospel Choir- we do more modern gospel music- and everybody was getting nervous about starting off the concert. But there was no need- we sang the best we have all semester in front of our audience in the theater, and got everybody swaying along with us! We had a great time, and then the whole gospel choir got to sing with the band. My parents got to come up to see the concert which was really fun- especially since I had a solo this year! It seemed like we had a pretty good crowd come out, and singing to a full audience is always more fun.

The rest of today has been mostly studying for finals, with a fun break and the end of the evening: hanging out with friends and watching “A Christmas Story” while studying and eating popcorn. A lovely end to a productive day before finals week officially starts tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is my busiest exam day of the week: I have my Intercultural Communications exam in the morning, then my violin jury (a kind of musical level performance, where we play the pieces we’ve been working on all semester and have three people judge us), and finally my Graphic Design exam. Our professors have been really good about letting us know what to expect for our exams, and thus how to prepare for them: what to study, finish, and look for in general.

I feel pretty well prepared for all of them, but a little bit more studying doesn’t hurt and makes me feel more prepared. Onto more studying before tomorrow’s exams!

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