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Finals Incoming « Expect the Exceptional

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Finals Incoming

So this weekend I am home instead of on campus so that I can study for finals and work on my last final paper effectively. This week was the last week of classes and everything finished up pretty well. I got all of my papers except for the one that is not due until Monday done and turned in. It was sad that some of my classes are ending, because I have really enjoyed my classes this semester. Nevertheless, I have many of my professors again next semester and I am excited to start a new group of classes that all sound like they will be a lot of fun. I am also excited to go home and rest for a few weeks before returning to campus for my Jan term.

This upcoming week is finals. I have four that I need to study for – Poe, Politics of the Middle East, Arabic, and Environmental Policy. I am not terribly worried about any of them, but I definitely will have a lot of work to do to prepare. It shouldn’t be too bad since I have friends that I can study with and we can keep each other on topic. Plus, it means we will be more able to find ways to de-stress between study sessions in order to retain what we are reviewing better.

Also, this past week, I had a lot of fun Christmas shopping for my friends and apartment-mates. I got everyone a card and all kinds of little gifts. A bunch of us are doing a gift exchange on Monday night, which should be a lot of fun. I am gonna spend most of Monday baking yummy treats while I continue my studying. I am looking forward to the gift exchange and I am sure I will write all about it on Monday. Until then, I hope everyone is enjoying the few weeks left before the Holiday season.


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