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With Love, From Home « Expect the Exceptional

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With Love, From Home

It’s easy to get bogged down by all the stress, work, and sleeplessness of finals week. But not everything about finals week is bad: this is the time of the semester when many of our parents and loved ones become sympathetic about our plights as finals-burdened college students and send us care packages and other goodies to make our survival a little sweeter!

McDaniel makes it easy for parents to think of their students during finals week. At some point in the fall, the College mails out order forms so parents can choose from a variety of care packages from a company devoted to putting together care packages. These care packages were available for pickup yesterday, and I’m sure they made a lot of people’s days a little brighter! My parents sent me one of these last year, and I really appreciated it! However, I’ve convinced my folks that they’re better off sending me packages they create themselves (which they usually did my freshman year anyway) because unlike the care package company, they know what snacks and candy I like and don’t like.

When I was a freshman, some of my extended family members thought of me a lot too. I often received cards and letters. I also received several packages full of candy throughout the year, and my uncle even sent me a pillow pet for my first finals week. I still get a lot of letters from my loved ones, but it was during my freshman year that they spoiled me!

My freshman friends have gotten a lot of cute things in the mail over the past couple of weeks. One of my friends got a festive holiday Beanie Baby. Another one of my friend’s parents made her a family newsletter that talked about how much fun they had over Thanksgiving as a family and how much they couldn’t wait to have her home for Christmas. This is probably one of the most adorable “thinking of you” things I have ever seen!

As for me, my care package, with candy carefully selected to my liking, showed up today–just in time for the worst of my finals week experience to already be over. The fact that it was late was out of my parents’ control, but it still would have been nice to have some of that chocolate while I was writing my 12-page paper yesterday. Either way, it’s always the thought that counts, and when it comes to the gift of chocolate, I say better late than never!

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