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My Last Finals Week « Expect the Exceptional

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My Last Finals Week

As the semester comes to a close, so does my last finals week ever!  Since I’ll be Student Teaching next semester, I won’t be taking any classes, except for the one that goes along with my Student Teaching experience, which means–no finals!  Any student will tell you that finals week is stressful, no matter where you are.  The hardest thing for me has always been the cumulative finals, especially in my literature-based English classes.  Since we read so much in a semester, it is very difficult to know what to study in order to prepare yourself for an exam.

Fortunately for me, this was the easiest finals week I have ever had.  I watched my roommates, friends, and residents all stress about all of their tests.  I felt bad for them, but at the same time, was grateful that I had such an easy week.  Of course, two weeks ago was my busy week, considering that I had a Unit Plan due, a presentation on my Senior Seminar, and my Senior Seminar paper due.  Once you turn in your paper and do your presentation for Senior Seminar, you’re done, so that class actually ended two weeks ago for me.  I had two things to do during finals week: a Digital Portfolio for my education class, accompanied by a 10-minute presentation, and a cumulative final for my Literature By Women class. I was very nervous about the final for Literature By Women, just because there was so much information to remember.  Luckily, I have friends in the class, so we all got together and studied together, which I think really helped, since we were able to bounce ideas off of one another.

Of course, now that I’m officially done my first semester of Senior year, I’m very relieved, but also nervous!  I can’t believe that next semester is my last semester at McDaniel.  I’ll be sad when I have to leave, just because McDaniel has become my second home over the past three and a half years.  However, I am very excited to start my Student Teaching on January 9th!  I cannot wait to be around my students all day every day!  I’m sure it will be a fantastic experience!

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