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The Last Christmas Ornament « Expect the Exceptional

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The Last Christmas Ornament

There is this crazy tradition my mom and I have done every Christmas Eve for the last 22 years. We invite all of our friends and family to our house for an open house brunch on Christmas Eve. We cook and decorate for days for this event. This year, our lives were a little crazy during the days leading up to Christmas Eve. Mom has been working out of town and I had just gotten home from a semester at school to a house full of kittens that had been happy to have the place to themselves for a few months. In the past, all I have  been in charge of is cookies and decorating the house while mom does the rest of the cooking. This year, I had to do all of it, except a few dishes by myself. Luckily, my best friend took a couple days off work to come and help me. We got the whole house looking like the North Pole and followed the recipes down to every last pinch of salt. When my mom got home today, she almost cried when she saw all the work we had put into this.

That’s when I finally felt like I was home for the holidays. Most college kids hate going home because they have to listen to their parents rules again. My mom is like my best friend so not having her at home was just strange. It was so nice to have a few days with her before she went back to work. The holidays are useless without family around. Who else are you going to make fun of when they bring  up awkward conversations at the dinner table?

Of course, once i get to my hometown I start counting down the days till I get back to campus. My friends at McDaniel have become part of my family and if I could have everyone in the same place all at once it would be the happiest time of my life. For now, I’ll just enjoy my time with all of them separately, be grateful that I have so many wonderful friends and family, and have an amazing time at my annual brunch tomorrow!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

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