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I’m back! « Expect the Exceptional

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I’m back!

Happy New Year!

After a lovely winter break that seemed half as long as it actually was (21 days), I arrived back on campus last night for Jan Term! (Technically, people were supposed to move in from 2-4 yesterday, but I arranged with Res Life to come later in the evening so my parents wouldn’t have to leave work early just to drive me back to school.)

Things have been pretty low key so far. Last night, I had a night in all to myself that I spent watching TV and beginning my unpacking. (Unfortunately, I’m not done unpacking yet, since I brought a whole bunch of groceries to last me throughout much of the spring semester.)

I had thought I would be alone in my suite over these next few weeks, but I found out late last night that I’m not. We now have a new suite mate, a transfer student who’s living in the previously unoccupied room in the loft upstairs (my suite has two floors). She seems pretty nice, and we’re taking the same Jan Term, so hopefully I’ll get to know her a little better in the coming days.

Today was my first day of Coping with Stress. I’ll be taking this class four days a week for two and a half hours a day for the next two weeks and two days. We’ll be learning and trying out a lot of relaxation and stress relief techniques, which I’m really excited about. On Monday, an acupuncturist is coming to speak to us and perform acupuncture on willing volunteers. And later on in the month, a yoga instructor who specializes in restorative yoga is coming, which I’m especially looking forward to because I love yoga and I have a bad back.

After class, the day was mine to do whatever I wanted. I went to lunch to eat and catch up with friends, took an inappropriately long nap afterward, and went to dinner after that. Tonight, I need to get a few things accomplished before I go over to a friend’s dorm to watch Looper with friends.

So far, I’m digging this Jan Term lifestyle!

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