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McDaniel does social media « Expect the Exceptional

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McDaniel does social media

When you become a member of the McDaniel community, you’ll quickly learn that McDaniel College has a much bigger presence on social media than you might think. McDaniel has dozens of Facebook pages and Twitters associated with its various departments and organizations.

Here are some of the most interesting:

1. McDaniel College / @McDaniel College

These pages are the official McDaniel College pages. Here you’ll find the College’s biggest news stories and other important or exciting announcements. So much goes on at McDaniel that without the content posted by these pages, there would be so much I didn’t know about McDaniel!

2. McDaniel Free Press / @mcdfreepress

You could say that the Free Press Facebook and Twitter are like a one-stop shop for all of the McDaniel and local news relevant to students. In addition to linking to their own stories, they share stories published by the College and local newspapers such as the Carroll County Times. They also retweet a lot of interesting and important things from other McDaniel Twitters.

3. McDaniel College Department of Campus Safety / @McDanielDoCS

It may seem boring at first to follow Campus Safety on Facebook and Twitter, but these guys use social media quite well. The weather updates and safety tips they post are pretty useful and helps show that Campus Safety really cares about us. Their Facebook page in particular is great because it shows a fun and human side to our Campus Safety officers.

4. McDaniel Athletics / @mcdanielsports

If you like sports, the McDaniel Athletics pages are for you! Get all the latest updates on Green Terror wins and our awesome student athletes! I think all of the individual sports have their own pages too, so if you’re only really interested in following swimming, for example, you’re covered!

5. Roger Casey / @DRROG

Our college president, Dr. Roger Casey, is the only thing on this list that you can’t ‘like’ on Facebook, but he would probably be flattered if you could. Instead, you can subscribe to him or even become his Facebook friend–and I’ve heard that if you become his friend, he’ll post on your wall on your birthday. Dr. Casey, or Dr. Rog as he likes to call himself is a pretty funny guy and he posts some interesting commentary. I definitely enjoy following him!

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