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Spending New Year’s in the Happiest Place on Earth « Expect the Exceptional

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Spending New Year’s in the Happiest Place on Earth

After a crazy two weeks of working in retail, I had the perfect way to de-stress before starting the new semester, and more importantly, Student Teaching!  My best friend and I had decided that spending the beginning of January in Disney World would be a fantastic idea.  It was the first vacation that either one of us had ever planned without the help of our parents, so it was very fulfilling.  The trip itself was spectacular!  We spent five days in weather that ranged from 70 to 80 degrees while enjoying a lot of Disney magic.

Our trip was inspired by the fact that we were in Disney at the same time last January, but on a Jan Term trip.  We went with a professor who taught us all about animation and even arranged tours for us that allowed us to go behind the scenes of some of the attractions.  We had so much fun last year, we wanted to go back again this year.  However, this time, we had a very specific goal for our Disney trip: to meet all 11 Disney princesses.  It was difficult and took a lot of planning to ensure that we could fit all of them into our schedules along with everything else we wanted to do.  Most of the princesses asked her and I if we were sisters, which was very fun!

Overall, the trip was a blast, and a perfect way to start off the new year!  We got to see many cool things, enjoy tons of fun Disney attractions, and eat massive amounts of delicious food!  For anyone that comes to McDaniel and likes animation: go on the Disney Jan Term trip–it is amazing and will inspire you to spend more time in the most magical place on Earth!

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