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Student Teaching « Expect the Exceptional

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Student Teaching

On January 9th, I started what is sure to be an incredible way to end my time here at McDaniel.  I started my professional semester that ties into my Education degree, which means that I’m spending my semester Student Teaching.  My first half of the semester, I’ll be at Manchester Valley High School, which is where I spent my practicum last semester.  For right now, I’m teaching a Freshman Seminar class, but once their semester ends, I’ll be teaching English 10 and English 12.  I’m really excited for both these classes, especially since both are so different from each other.  My second half of the semester, I will be at Shiloh Middle School teaching 6th Grade English Language Arts.

My first day of teaching was a whirlwind of emotions.  I was nervous, excited, and happy to be back in the classroom.  The class that I already knew me was really excited that I was back, which made me really happy. I immediately started teaching on my first day, after watching my mentor teacher teach the lesson to the first class of the day.  The fact that I was able to jump right in made me even more excited for the rest of my semester!  My mentor teacher decided on day one that we would plan together, that way we could bounce ideas off of each other and make the most of what we both know.

I think that this semester will be one that I will never forget and I can’t wait to see everything that I will learn!

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