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MLK volunteering part 1 « Expect the Exceptional

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MLK volunteering part 1

I did two volunteer events for MLK day. The first was part of my Jan Term class, and it was in Washington, D.C. It was an excellent adventure. It took two hours to get there, but it was worth the drive.

This was a volunteer example of what happens when there are too many volunteers. It was crowded and difficult to move around. We were only able to help for two of the four hours because it was such a full room. The volunteers packaged materials for the homeless.

The reason this related to my class was that it was meant to be distributed to LGBT homeless youth. We packaged school supplies, toiletries, and clothes. It was gratifying to see everyone come pick up items that they needed, especially since it has been so cold lately. It always feels satisfying to volunteer and MLK day is a great opportunity to participate in such events.

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