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First of Many Crazy Days « Expect the Exceptional

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First of Many Crazy Days

Wasn’t it Mary Poppins that said, “Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down?” Maybe that is a good way to look at my semester. As long as I keep a little sweetness in each day to make sure I can get through all the stress of being busy this semester. Today was the first taste I got of the semester to come. Running around campus and Westminster all day seems to be what I will be doing on a daily basis. After my first class was cancelled because of the ice, I went back to sleep like any average college kid does. I eventually got up and went to my French class. It has been about a year since I was in a French class so it took all the energy I had to pay attention and translate what my professor was saying. Then I had a million errands to run for Vagina Monologues. Afterwards, I ran back to my apartment to change for my interview. I headed down to the Caroll County Chamber of Commerce and was offered the internship right on the spot. I and 2 of my fellow English majors will be working on the project together and I am very excited to get started on it.

Tomorrow I have 3 classes and another post-it note full of errands. I’m looking forward to finding out what the rest of my classes are like. It’s going to be such a busy semester that I am not even going to realize how quickly it is going until it was almost over. It was so great to see all my friends again walking around campus. I got to catch up with lots of people I haven’t seen since finals week when we were all stressed. Everyone seems so relaxed from break, some even super tan (those who went to tropical places for Jan Term classes). I love listening to everyone’s stories and adventures from break. So many things change when you go on a long break from school, but one thing stays the same. That feeling you get when you see one of your good friends for the first time in a while. The first day back is always full of smiles and hugs. There is always that relief when you walk into a class and realize you have a friend or two in that class as well. It’s always good to know you have someone, other than the teacher, to ask for help in a class. The more minds working on a problem, the better.

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