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Returning to the Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Returning to the Hill

So, today was the first day of classes for the Spring Semester and I had a really good time. Both of my classes today were great although it was a little long after being gone for so long. I am definitely looking forward to this semester and both of my Monday classes look like they are gonna be wonderful. I was really glad to get moved back in and settled during the day yesterday, it felt good being back here and hanging out with my friends.

So for moving back in yesterday, I swear that I always come back with too much stuff and that I came back to school with way more than I did before. Still, getting settled did not take much time and I spent a lot of time chilling with people and playing Guild Wars. I am having my friend Lisa bring my fish back tonight and I will be glad to spend some time with her as well – she was watching them for me over break so I did not have to take them more than three hours away.

Also, one of my biggest project right now is the anime club convention that is at the end of March. We had a meeting about it today and I cannot wait because things are shaping up really nicely for it. We have 3 performers and a bunch of artists and vendors that will be here as well. I am really excited for it and cannot wait.

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