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I ❤ Day 2 « Expect the Exceptional

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I ❤ Day 2

Last night, one of my friends wrote “I ❤ DAY 2” on the whiteboard on my door, and the idea kind of stuck with me (so much so that I decided to redecorate my whiteboard in its honor. It was also time for the drawing of the Christmas tree to go).

Day 2It’s been a fun yet surprisingly mellow first couple of days for me. Yesterday mainly consisted of attending my three MWF courses and catching up with my suite mates at lunch and on the fly. I started my morning at 10:20 with Elementary Logic, an introductory  logic course offered by the philosophy department. The professor, whom I’d never met, seemed like a pretty cool guy. He frequently quoted hip hop and rap lyrics relevant to his discussions and he’s a big Minecraft fan.

After Logic, I went to lunch in Glar were I ate with a huge group of people. Though I hadn’t eaten with most of them in six weeks, it was as if we hadn’t been away from campus during all that time. (Perhaps I feel this way because I was on campus for Jan Term, albeit with a much smaller group of people.) I took half an hour to decompress in my room before heading off to my favorite class of the day, Growing Up in America, taught by the wonderful and McDaniel-famous Dr. Mary. In this class, my peers and I will be reading bildungsromans (coming of age novels) and memoirs of people of multicultural backgrounds in the United States as they become adults. Though it’s a literature class, I’m one of only three English majors in the class. Hopefully, the variety of majors in the class will diversify the perspectives we have of what we read.

My final class of yesterday was a math class called Adventures in Number Theory. Though I’m an English major, I took the class because it counts as an Honors Program elective and because it helps me finish out the Quantitative Reasoning requirement. I also had the professor for Calc II my freshman year, and he’s a pretty cool guy. Things went well, and hopefully the course material won’t be too scary!

Today, Day Two, I only had one class–American Poetry with one of my many favorite English professors. We read and analyzed a bunch of really short poems (many with only two lines) and I had a great time! Though it was my only official class of the day, I’m also meeting this afternoon with the professor sponsoring my independent study about Harry Potter and Carl Jung.

I’ll finish out Day Two tonight with a mandatory floor meeting and the first Free Press meeting of the semester.

Things have been pretty low key so far, and I’m okay with that. It’s only a matter of days before I start to feel genuinely busy, so I’m going to take advantage of some downtime while I can!

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