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I Make a Difference « Expect the Exceptional

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I Make a Difference

I made a difference in the lives of other today, and while it was a little physically painful, I felt great contributing to such a wonderful cause! Why did I subject myself to pain? I wanted to give blood!

McDaniel has at least one to two blood drives per semester, and for me, blood drives on campus are the most convenient way to give blood.

I made an appointment at a sign-up table outside of Glar a few days ago, and at 3:30 today, I was sitting in the Forum reading an information packet about blood donation while hydrating myself with a bottle of water that was provided.

At any Red Cross blood drive, you’ll be screened before you can donate. You’ll have to answer questions about yourself, your health, and even your travel history, and you’ll have to give a small blood sample to check to see if your iron level is high enough to donate on that particular day. I often don’t make it past the iron test, so I don’t always get to give blood, but today, I was lucky! My iron level was high enough on the first try, and I was able to give blood for the second time in my life!

The process of giving blood went well and before I knew it, I was eating tasty post-donation snacks. I was happy to have been able to contribute to such an important cause, and I wore my “I Make a Difference” sticker proudly to dinner, in hopes that it might inspire others to give blood. Perhaps I’ve even inspired you to give : )

Hopefully, I’ll be able to donate some more when the next blood drive rolls around!

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