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Super Bowl Sunday « Expect the Exceptional

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Super Bowl Sunday

So… what goes on during the Super Bowl? I can tell you this year is different from past years, you can feel people getting excited. I think that is because one of the teams (the Ravens) is so close to our school. That and the fact that they used to practice on our football field makes people attached to them.

There are plenty of things going on for the Super Bowl. People are hosting parties. This morning I awoke to my apartment mates making dip for chips. Not only that, but there was a platter of Chik-Fil-A in the refrigerator. The game plan for everyone seems to be gathering and eating.

I am one of those non excited about the Super Bowl people. Luckily I snagged some hours at the pool someone didn’t want (they wanted to watch the game) so that is where I will be spending my evening. What can non sports fans do on this fine day? Enjoy the quiet! The library, gym, and pool will be practically empty. Since everyone is watching the game, other spaces are nice and relaxing. If I was not working I would be enjoying the library.

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