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Amia, Internships, and Homework, Oh My! « Expect the Exceptional

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Amia, Internships, and Homework, Oh My!

So, I am currently in a conversational Arabic class as part of my major. I am working on a brief dialogue with a partner tonight and it was a lot of fun working on it although it is challenging to switch between the formal language and the spoken language at times. I am enjoying working on the slight modifications to pronunciations and also the variety of new words that just make the language as a whole easier. I need to re-write the dialogue yet tonight, but I am not too worried about the presentation in class tomorrow because my partner and I both seem to have at least a general understanding of the new principles and really just need to work on making the words flow.

I was supposed to have an interview tomorrow for an internship, but they have to reschedule. I am actually partially glad because I did not get a lot of sleep last night and the interview was very early in the morning, however, I am nervous for the interview and would have liked to get past the interview stage and closer to a decision. Nevertheless, I am excited for the chance to get this internship and I will definitely be looking forward to a decision once we are able to schedule the interview.

My week is going to be very busy because I am trying to get ahead in my homework because I have Model UN next week starting on Wednesday. I cannot wait for the conference, I had a lot of fun last year and I know I will this year as well. Plus, I will get to meet people from various countries and also from around the country. But in the meantime, I am trying to get 2 weeks of homework done in a week so that I will not have much to worry about during Model UN in regards to McDaniel homework. The work load really is not too bad, but I certainly have a lot of reading to do in the next few days.

Nevertheless, this should be a great week and I am looking forward to seeing what comes up to break up the long readings and all the fun I can have. Oh! The Anime Club also picked an official logo and based on shirts on its color scheme. I’ll post a picture of the shirts once they have been made, but here is the club logo which I designed based on the Kanji symbol of Japan.

Owls Neon Green



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