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Joining new clubs « Expect the Exceptional

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Joining new clubs

This semester, I’m trying to get involved with organizations that I haven’t been a part of before, since I’ve become less involved with organizations that I’ve been heavily involved in in the past.

Last night, I went to the first meeting of More Love Letters of the semester. It’s a brand new club on campus that started up late last semester, and I’m looking forward to being as involved with it as possible. More Love Letters is an organization that promotes writing love letters to people and identifies people who are in need of letters so that people can write letters to send to them. College campuses across the country have More Love Letters clubs, and I’m glad that we now have one at McDaniel. Last night, we wrote letters to some of the people that the More Love Letters website has listed as needing letters. We also wrote letters to hide around campus on Valentine’s Day for people to find, though we hope to distribute these sorts of letters throughout the school year. It’s going to be a fun semester with this club!

Tonight, I went to the first meeting of Active Minds of the semester. This club strives to promote good mental health on campus, which I think is an incredibly important cause. The club is relaunching itself after being inactive for a few years, so not a lot of people showed up to the first meeting. Hopefully, more people will come to next week’s meeting and the club will be able to flourish.

College is a great time and place to get involved in new clubs, particularly clubs that aren’t like the ones you were a part of in high school. A lot of the clubs I joined last year were very similar to the clubs I was very active in during high school, but I’m hoping to branch out this semester.

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