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Staying Healthy « Expect the Exceptional

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Staying Healthy

Getting sick sucks! I spent most of this week either lying in bed hugging my tissue box or in class wishing I was back in bed hugging my tissue box. The common cold has reached McDaniel luckily it’s not as bad as the flu epidemic but its still bringing down even the healthiest of students. My friend down the hall had it worse than me. Being the get up and go student I am, I don’t really believe in missing class for a simple cold but her case was so bad that we nearly locked her in her room and wrote quarantine on the door.

When you’re that sick, there’s always relief to be found in the services that McDaniel offers. When you come to campus, your orientation leaders and FYS instructors will beat the concept of the Wellness Center into your head. It’s useful and if you’re really not feeling well, it can be a good resource.

Another nice service that the school has just started is meal-to-go which is basically a room service option for sick people. If you call in, Glar workers will make you a meal and bring it to you. It’s a good way to convenience the sick and prevent spreading illness. I think it has something to do with the flu fear that’s in the back of everyone’s minds.

As for keeping up with your work, make sure you have at least one reliable person in each of your classes. Professors are not super useful for catching up on missed work so you’re going to want to have someone to depend on. If you don’t know anyone in your class, make a new friend. That’s what college is all about! Didn’t mean for this to turn into an advice column…but I hope you found it useful anyway. Bottom line is, stay healthy and when in doubt take EMERGEN-C. It’s like a Hulk sized dose of vitamin C, I swear by it.

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