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Compliments are Nice! « Expect the Exceptional

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Compliments are Nice!

This semester I have been getting a lot of compliments. They always cheer me up, and remind me that I should be more appreciative of others. I have been getting two great types of compliments lately, in very different forms. Some are from strangers and some are from teachers.

Strangers complimenting me might sound creepy, but it actually comes from a cool idea someone created on facebook called McDaniel compliments. The facebook page allows anonymous submissions. They can write any nice compliments they want to say about a person completely anonymously. I had no idea this even existed until the other day when someone said that I did a good job on my Honors Colloquium presentation.

The second compliment I got from McDaniel compliments was even sweeter. It said “Your heart is always in the right place, and I love how you put 100% into everything you do. I admire how determined you are to reach your goals no matter what kind of potential obstacles you have to overcome. So grateful to have your friendship!” – I don’t know who wrote that, but it was so sweet.

The second type of compliment I have been getting is coming from teachers. They have been, for whatever reason, frequently admiring my work. One is especially pleased that I volunteer to present early for the class. The great thing about being a senior is that all of my teachers now know me very well, and I have been getting much more respect from them since I have grown academically. All in all this has been a very cheerful week, from anonymous friends and from my teachers.

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