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The Vagina Monologues « Expect the Exceptional

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The Vagina Monologues

Every year McDaniel presents Eve Enslor’s The Vagina Monologues.I have been a part of the production since my Freshman year and this year I had the honor of co-directing the wonderful fundraiser. The VDAY organization gives rights to the monologues every year to schools and organizations devoted to stopping the violence against women. Each year, a group of women get together in the Fall semester to start preparing for VDAY (February 14th). This year, VDAY also started the ONE BILLION RISING campaign. On campus, we gained a group through Campus Safety that led the OBR campaign. Through The Vagina Monologues, we were required to include OBR as well. Each year monologues are switched out based on what issues are most apparent throughout the world. This year the spotlight monologue was a stylistic poem describing the OBR campaign along with a heart wrench video of women standing up to all the violence and dancing in protest of it. The emotions soared through the audience and hit home for everyone. Through our traditional VDAY events and the OBR campaign, the ladies that participated in The Vagina Monologues and our supporters throughout the community, raised over $4,000 for the organizations we set out to help each year. This year, our proceeds will be split between the VDAY organization in conjunction with the OBR campaign, Rape Crisis Intervention Services of Carroll County, and Family and Children’s Services of Central Maryland.

I am so grateful to be part of such a wonderful community service opportunity on campus each year. Being in charge of the production was a challenge I accepted with my whole heart and put everything I had into it. Being a leader for something like this was the most rewarding experience I could have imagined. This year marked the 10th anniversary of fighting the cause on McDaniel’s campus and I hope I can come back in 10 years and continue to support the cause. The awareness this brings to the campus community and the world is mind blowing and I am so thankful to be a part of it.

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