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Writing for Nonprofit Organizations « Expect the Exceptional

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Writing for Nonprofit Organizations

One of the things I have begun to love about McDaniel is the fact that their classes are actually ones that are relevant out in the real world. This semester I am taking a class called Writing for Nonprofit Organizations. Our readings for each class consist of examples and forms to follow for grant writing, fundraising ideas, and many other fundamental skills that will help anyone working with writing for a nonprofit. Along with this class comes an internship. There is no interview process for this, by enrolling in the class you are guaranteed to have an internship for that entire semester. As a result, most of the class assignments are personalized and tailored to your organization. At the moment, we are working in groups of three to write a fake grant for an initiative we think needs to be added to campus. Usually I am not a supporter of the group projects. It always seems like one person ends up doing all the work. However, with this class, our professor has spread out and broken down the specific details of the grant in order for us to learn the most amount of skills and have an opportunity to work in a group setting.

I start my internship at Rape Crisis Intervention Services next week and I am very excited to see what new exciting challenges they have for me to explore. I know this class is going to come in handy on day. That day may very well be sooner rather than later. The skills I am learning and having hands on experience with in this class are ones that I would have never thought to explore for myself. Thanks to the McDaniel plan and then structure of the Writing minor, I am able to be exposed to all sorts of offices and groups like that.

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