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Why McDaniel? « Expect the Exceptional

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Why McDaniel?

Today, I want to talk about some of my favorite aspects of life here at McDaniel College. Not terribly much has happened since I posted on Saturday, I worked on homework, watched movies with friends, and played cards a few times. So, since nothing terribly fascinating has occured, I figured it would be a nice chance to tell you all why I love studying here at McDaniel College.

I know it sounds cliche, but I really believe McDaniel was a great fit for me in a school. I am a junior here and I still love it just as much as I did as a freshman. I was nervous when I first came here because it wasn’t my first pick school, but I have never regretted coming here instead. I originally came here for financial reasons and because one particular professor stood out in my mind in the political science department. In the end though, I really admire and trust all of my professors in both of my majors and every other teacher I have had here as well. I came to this school planning to major in Political Science, take my general education classes, and graduate. But, thanks to the language requirement I found a second major that I absolutely love and will influence me for the rest of my life. I have learned so much here about the Middle Eastern culture and I have developed a deep respect for the people in Egypt, Libya, and many other countries as well.

I also love McDaniel for some basic facts about it. I love my small classes because every student gets noticed and the professors will go out of their way to help you if you show a willingness to learn. I also really respect the Affinity Program, which is housing with people of like interests. I like in the Arabic House right now and that has enhanced my studies in my major greatly. Next year, I am applying to live in Affinity Housing with the Anime Club. We have a lot of cool service ideas and it would be much easier to coordinate if we were living together. Affinity Housing is selective, so we may not get it, but I hope we do.

I also like how willing to staff is to help people find internship and work outside of the campus. Professors are always suggesting internships and programs, but we also have an office devoted to helping students find internships and volunteer opportunities as well. This office has been extremely helpful to me in running a tutoring program and to just figuring out where I will go when my college career ends in 2014. The entire community is extremely supportive of the students and there is a lot of ability to grow. In the end, I know McDaniel was the right school for me and that I would not have done as well anywhere else.

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