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What it means to fundraise… « Expect the Exceptional

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What it means to fundraise…

Thursday, April 18th – Alpha Sig Buffalo Wild Wings night…be there. I’m just kidding, but in all seriousness I’m on top of my game with my job as Fundraising/Philanthropy Chair for my fraternity. Basically my job is to spawn and act on ideas for ways in which to raise money for the fraternity to donate to local causes and drives. The difficulty with my position is that in recent years the fraternity has fallen off its commitment to philanthropy so I don’t have clearly set footprints to follow in. I’ve been pretty successful in making it up as I go, but raising money isn’t an exact science and I’m in a constant battle with apathy among the student body and sometimes among my brothers.

Today I met with a woman from Bdubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) to discuss what it would take to host a fundraiser at their restaurant. Bdubs is a campus favorite, mostly for big game days during football and basketball season, but also for their traditional wings. It’s a prime spot for fundraising. Now I didn’t learn this all on my own, you might say I stole the idea from other organizations on campus (cough, cough, Heroes Helping Hopkins) but, nonetheless, it’s a great idea so I hopped on the bandwagon.

Hopefully we’ll have a good turnout because we’re relying on this particular fundraiser to help the fraternity reach its fundraising goal of $2,500 dollars for McDaniel’s Relay for Life in April, and important cause to me since I lost my grandmother to cancer and should be an important cause to everyone because statistically speaking, you’re probably going to get cancer at some point in your life. Anyway organizing this event has given me some invaluable experience that I can use in almost any career.

I’m currently in the planning stages for an Alpha Sig night at Players Amusement Center in Westminster. A girl I’m friends with who lives on my floor works there and has been amazing in helping me get the plan going and it looks like it might be a success and hopefully bring some money to the fraternity since, like all organizations, we have operating costs as well. In any case, college will throw opportunities like this one to become a leader and if you’re lucky like me you’ll have some great success.

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