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Get Your Pancakes! « Expect the Exceptional

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Get Your Pancakes!

This weekend I helped establish and run the first Alpha Sigma Phi pancake sale we have ever had. Taking the idea from Res Life (Residence Life) and their pancake sale last semester, we thought that it might be a good way to make some money as well as get our name out in terms of recruitment. My brother Logan, recruitment chair, and I teamed up to get the ball rolling and through the support of the rest of the fraternity, we were somewhat successful.

The sale was saturday night. I had spent a good portion of time Friday and Saturday during the day making flyers with tear-off numbers that residents of Rouzer, McDaniel, ANW, and DMC (we focused on these residence halls since we figured these building would be most likely to have guys that would want to go Greek and still have time to pledge) could take with them in the event that they had nowhere to write the number down when they saw the flyer, which is usually the case. Students could call in to the number, place an order (two pancakes for $1 = an order), and we would make the pancakes fresh and deliver them to their dorms.

The night started off really strong. We were getting calls right at 10pm when it started, but these were mostly close friends who we had personally demanded call in to the event. We passed the time playing catch phrase, watching family guy, and in general just having a great time. After about 2 hours, we had given up hope, then around midnight the calls starting flowing in one right after another as people were returning from their night’s activities and getting hungry.

All things said and done, we made about $28 over what we spent on the mix and the plates. Not a huge profit but we succeeded in getting the name of our fraternity out around campus and in some great brotherhood bonding among the guys who were there which is sometimes undervalued. Hopefully we’ll make our pancake sale a more regular thing and it will grow in popularity but for now it’s a great memory!

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