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HNMUN Closing Time « Expect the Exceptional

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HNMUN Closing Time

So, yesterday was the last day of the HNMUN conference. The last committee session was a lot of fun although none of the four draft resolutions could get enough votes to pass. We passed a lot of amendments on each, but it wasn’t enough. However, I was pleased that the resolution that I worked on almost had the majority required whereas all of the others only had about 20 votes. Ours was 58 for to 59 against, it was very sad but I was still proud that mine almost passed when no other did. At the end of the session, one of our directors sang Heal the World and a lot of people joined him by the end and it was very touching. It was really sad saying goodbye to a lot of the new friends I met there and we are working on getting a Facebook group together so that everyone can stay in touch more easily.

I did not stay for the entire closing ceremony, but several of my friends got awards, which made me happy. We ended up leaving early to get to the airport because the weather looked nasty and we were worried the roads would be bad. We got there almost five hours early and there was then a two hour delay on my flight, so we ended up with like a seven hour wait. However, it wasn’t too bad because it gave me a chance to do homework and also to say goodbye to a few more HNMUN people who I ran into at the airport waiting on their own flights. I have already spent time facebook messaging with some of them, so I definitely think there are a few people I will stay in touch with pretty well.

The flight was a bit turbulent for my taste, but it was short (less than an hour) and I ended up dozing most of the flight. It was 11:30 by the time we got back to campus last night and I was really tired, so I got an early night so that I could start today fresh. The anime club tshirts are in, which was nice and I already delivered a few of them to club members who I spent the morning with. They turned out really nicely and I really like the shirt. It is black with a green design the my friend Breyonna made. Over the next few days, I am gonna distribute the rest because many of the staff members for the con will be wearing them and they take up too much space in my room right now.


Tonight, I have work at the language lab and then another interview at Rite Aid, I hope it goes well since this is the third stage of the interview process and I would really like to get this job. I also have a lot of homework to do in order to get caught up from my five days in Boston, but it was definitely worth it.


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