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I’ve been busy! « Expect the Exceptional

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I’ve been busy!

It was a busy week for me here on the Hill!

In addition to attending my three Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes, I devoted much of my Monday to helping out the Honors Program by eating at the luncheon for prospective Honors students and spending time in the Honors study lounge, the Room of Requirement. I had a lot of fun meeting prospective students and answering their questions.

On Tuesday, I went to support the McDaniel Free Press by having s’mores and hot chocolate in Ensor Lounge, where organizations can reserve a fire pit for s’more roasting. Spending time with my friends and fellow Free Press members was a lot of fun. After the event, I went straight to the Free Press meeting, where I picked up an article to be submitted on Sunday and pitched a well-received idea for another article I’d like to write at some point in the next couple of weeks.

On Wednesday, I went to the second meeting of More Love Letters of the semester. More Love Letters is a fun and laid back new club on campus that is based on the organization of the same name that promotes sending love letters to people in need. In addition to writing letters to people suggested by the More Love Letters website, we’ve also been working on letters and notes of encouragement to hide around campus for people to find. I have a collection of over 20 letters that a friend and I made over the past couple of weeks, but I am guilty of not being able to make time to hide them!

On Thursday evening, I went to the Ridington Lecture, the first major lecture of the semester. It featured Dr. Muqtedar Khan, an associate professor of political science and international relations at the University of Delaware, who spoke on Islam and contemporary challenges faced by American Muslims. Thought it was longer than I would have hoped, it was an interesting lecture. Afterward, I put a lot of time into writing about it for the Free Press (this was the article I had signed up for on Tuesday).

It may now be Friday evening, but I’m still busy! In order to fit all of my assignments in without overloading myself on any given day this weekend, I’m going to have to tackle some homework tonight. I’m also participating in the Scrabble tournament being hosted on campus tomorrow, so that will also keep me busy for several hours this weekend! (I’ll be sure to let you know if I did well!)

Taking 20 credits instead of the typical McDaniel 16 plus being active on campus certainly keeps me occupied, but it’s quickly teaching me how to work harder than ever before, which I know will help me be successful throughout my life.

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