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McDaniel Helping Heroes Helping Hopkins « Expect the Exceptional

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McDaniel Helping Heroes Helping Hopkins

Last night an organization on campus called Heroes Helping Hopkins hosted a night at Buffalo Wild Wings, Bdubs, to raise money for their cause. The Heroes organizes volunteers to go to the Hopkin’s House, which is a residence next to John’s Hopkin’s Medical Center for parents and families of patients to stay at an remain close to the hospital, and help provide food, comfort, and warm beds to people in their time of need.

As a nice gesture, the brothers of Alpha Sig attended and helped promote the event. Though it was an unforeseen benefit, it actually ended up reflecting very well on the fraternity. This entire week while we’ve been recruiting at the table I talked about last week, we also passed out the coupons that students needed to show when they paid their bill so that 15% of the money they spent would go to Heroes.

Then last night a good number of us showed up in letters to do our part, and the turnout was phenomenal! I saw a good number of students show up in the period of time I was there from 6 to about 7 and the event went on until 9. It was awesome to see so much of the campus come out to support a good cause and really made me optimistic for the Bdubs night we are hosting in April to help us reach our Relay for Life fundraising initiative of $2,500. We also managed to kill two birds with one stone since we invited some prospective new members to join us for dinner.

When you come to college, charity and donation are not necessarily objectives on your radar. So for good causes like Heroes it’s nice to see how the community will respond when you ask them to. Apathy is always a problem among college students but it seems that with a little bit of advertising and some good food, motivating the masses can be done.

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