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The Library Reference Desk « Expect the Exceptional

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The Library Reference Desk

The semester has come for me to do my Senior Seminar, or culminating project for my major. For Communication, this means I perform my own study and back it up with lots of research. And that means lots of time in the library.

The Hoover Library is home to over 200,000 volumes of books. Combined with the Carroll County Library and the Carroll Community Library, that brings our total to about 700,000 volumes. And if that is not enough, we are partnered with the InterLibrary Loan System, which means we can get books from anywhere in the nation, given enough time, free of charge. Hoover Library also has 60 online databases that can be accessed from anywhere with your McDaniel log in.

With so many amazing resources, where would I possibly start?!

Thankfully, there is the Hoover Library Reference Desk. These are the people you come to whose job is to help you look up research for your project. You simply call or email to set up an appointment during their hours and arrive with your topic and what you want to research. The librarians can then help you find relevant research and help you find information on your topic.

Although this type of intensive researching isn’t always necessary, it is nice to know that the help is there and FREE when students need it. I am looking forward to my appointment and the information that I am going to get out of the meeting.

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