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The McPlague « Expect the Exceptional

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The McPlague

Starting around dinnertime and late into the night of Tuesday, Feb. 26, students found themselves battling for space in public bathrooms due to extreme flu-like symptoms. At 10:45 AM, a campus-wide email alerted the McDaniel community that we are experiencing an outbreak of gastroenteritis, a virus.

Though many students are sick and stuck in their rooms, various campus services have reached out to those affected in order to keep the school week running smoothly. Here are a few examples of ways that students can gain help from campus offices:

Online appointments with the Writing Center are typically only available to deaf students, graduate students, and students studying at the Budapest campus. This week, any student can sign up for a virtual appointment so that sick students can still have someone look at their papers.

Glar is offering a system for sick students to use their meal plan. Roommates may swipe the card of an affected student and, with the help of a Sedexo manager, pick out food to put into a Styrofoam container to bring back to the dorm.

Those who can’t attend class don’t need a note. While students are encouraged to keep in touch with their professors about missed work, they don’t need a doctor’s note based upon the high volume of students who have not been able to attend class.

Because we live in such close proximity, viruses spread alarmingly quickly on college campuses. Though students may feel alarmed by the number of affected students, there are resources that aim to help students make it through the week.

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