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Return to Normalcy « Expect the Exceptional

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Return to Normalcy

So, things have returned to normal since the stomach bug that went around last week died down over the weekend. Almost everyone was well enough to be back in classes today and everything is moving forward quickly. Midterms are approaching this week and next before Spring Break occurs next weekend. As a result, everything had to resume quickly so stuff can stay on schedule. Personally, I am just glad that everyone is feeling better and the stomach bug has died down.

I did recently start my new job, which has been a lot of fun. I like the night shifts because they do not interfere with my other jobs and my classes. It is just a cashier job, but its a paycheck. I want to ask my manager soon if I am allowed to bring work to do during slow spots when there is nothing to do because not a lot of people shop at Rite Aid at 2 in the morning. The cashier work is easy, and I also put out sales tags and things like that but it is only particularly busy on Friday and Saturday.

I have a lot of studying to do this week as my first midterm is on Thursday for my global environmental politics class. However, I am not too worried about it since my midterm for this professor last year was not challenging as long as you studied. I also have 2 other midterms next week, but I will study for those during the weekend most likely. I am looking forward to being past midterms, but they are a usual part of life and as long as I study I am sure I will be fine. Then it will be Spring Break and time to catch up on sleep, work, and lots of extra hours at Rite Aid for a better paycheck.


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