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Snow Day « Expect the Exceptional

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Snow Day

I thought I was ready for spring. With Daylight Savings Time over on Sunday and the air slowly getting warmer, March seemed to be off to a great start. Mother Nature obviously thought differently.

Tomorrow McDaniel students have a snow day! And while I definitely don’t need anymore snow this winter, I’m always a fan of cancelled classes. Even with spring break so close, nobody can say no to a mini vacation in the middle of the week.

My friends and I are already planning a few fun activities for tomorrow including:

Sledding. The 9-hole golf course in the back of our campus doubles as some of the best sledding in Carroll County. We haven’t gotten enough snow to sled since my freshmen year so I am excited to get back out there and relive the fun times.

Board games. What’s better than getting competitive with some friends over the same games you grew up playing?! We have all the old favorites on deck, including Monopoly.

Birthday celebrations. My lucky friend turns 22 and gets the day off of school. That’s one way to accept your old age. Snow means perfect baking weather so there will be plenty of cake for everyone tomorrow.

Today after class, we went out to get everything we might need for a snowy day inside. I’m guessing this will be my last snow day ever, so I plan on getting the most out of it and enjoying every minute!



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