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McDaniel Does Snowday « Expect the Exceptional

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McDaniel Does Snowday

Today McDaniel students are all in hibernation mode since classes have been cancelled and snow has covered the campus in a pleasant, white, 3 inch blanket. All semester we have been waiting for a snowfall decent enough to cancel classes and now that it has finally happened the campus has fallen to an ironic hush. Personally I did not wake up until 11, but plenty of my friends slept until 12 or 1 slowly awakening and making the perilous trek through the cold to the dining hall.

My brothers and I chose to have breakfast as a group in one of the brother’s apartments to celebrate the occasion, but plenty of other students went and enjoyed a nice hot breakfast at the Pub or Glar. The nice part of a day like today is not having to rush. Everybody could take their time, enjoy conversation, put tomorrow homework off just a little longer.

At about 3, the snow stopped. As if it there were free ice cream offered for everyone who went sledding on the golf course, at least a hundred students wandered out to the golf course to take their turn on the “sled-perfect” hills. Most students did not have sleds, and what you could see were storage bin tops, laundry baskets, couch cushions, even a mattress (don’t tell Res Life). And this was just one activity among the snowmen, snow forts, and snow angels that were made.

For most students, professors pushed Wednesday’s class plans back to Friday so it wasn’t exactly a missed day of school but not a terrible price to pay for a fun day in the snow. To finish off the day, my friends and I went to Chipotle for Burritos, Walmart for a DVD rental and hot chocolate, and my friend Sean’s room to watch Skyfall and enjoy the warm comfort that the day left us with.

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